I recently had the chance to work with Peterstown MS faculty. The 7th grade team is busy creating and aligning projects into a culminating event at the end of the school year in the form of a fair/carnival for the community. They have incorporated CFWV ,College Foundation of West Virginia, for their students to learn more about their personal interests and examine various careers that interest them. Students are choosing the three National Career Clusters that interest them the most and are completing job applications which will define their jobs for the carnival. The carnival is also being used as a fundraiser for a new playground for their new school which will begin construction in the coming months. Mrs. McPherson created a moving Entry Event video challenging the students in this school-wide effort. Students are beyond excited to have a part in improving their new school and feel empowered to share their learning at the carnival.
In the meantime, the teachers are planning PBL’s that support the end vision of students working the carnival. As one example, students interested in Healthcare will have the opportunity to work in the First-Aid Tent. Mrs. Williams has planned on teaching concepts like bacteria growth in Science class to support student needs. This is one example of many that Amy and I will highlight throughout the school year. Great opportunities are being created for students and I look forward to watching the development.
Below are pictures of the job applications that have been completed by students.More to come soon..